This is our first Spring in North Carolina and I am LIVING for it people. Except for these allergies that I apparently have now that I’ve never had before. Not a fan. Especially given the current pandemic. I don’t need to have any symptoms that could be confused for the virus.
The weather has been a beautiful 60s/70s, breezy with scattered clouds in the pretty blue sky. This type of weather was rare in Florida. Honestly, “spring” was practically nonexistent in Florida really. So now experiencing it here has been amazing.
Not only have the temps been wonderful but all the trees and flowers currently blooming are so pretty! We have been taking advantage of the weather right now and chance to get outside of the house by taking walks in the neighborhood in the evenings and just taking it all that mother nature has for us. I did so much “oohing” and “ahhing” that I decided to take my phone on one of the walks and snapped the following photos to share with you all. I used my phone so these images really don’t do it justice but you can get the idea.
The next image is this tree (bush?) that I LOVE. I have no idea what it is but I want it in our yard! Again, the picture doesn’t do it justice. If you know what it is, please let me know!
I’m not sure how much longer some of these flowers will last, particularly the trees, but I will see if I can get some pics with my big girl camera for future posts.
Stay safe friends!